Frequently asked questions
Is there something that is not quite clear to you? Take a look at our FAQ section to solve all your doubts and start your journey in ZTalent.What is ZTalent SAP Hub?
We are the largest platform for SAP professionals and a benchmark in the industry. Our portal has an average of 300 job offers and has nearly 5000 registered SAP experts. In ZTalent both companies and professionals will find what they are looking for. Talent and opportunities at their best.
What makes us stand out from the crowd?
At ZTalent your success is our success. That is why we are committed to a selection of leading companies in their sectors and proven and verified SAP professionals. We search and select the best job offers and the best expert profiles so that the combination guarantees success.
Why is it important to complete my profile?
We insist so much on this for a simple reason: companies are always more attracted to the most complete profiles.
We know that you have the necessary knowledge and experience to work in this sector, but it is essential that companies realize this as well.
In just five minutes you will have filled in all the necessary fields to find not only a job, but your ideal job.
I have problems when registering and/or logging into my ZTalent account
Occasionally, the email we sent you from ZTalent SAP Hub when creating your profile may have been left in your Spam folder. We recommend that you check it whenever you take any action that requires an email from us, either it is validating your account when creating your profile or changing your password.
On the other hand, if you register using LinkedIn you will not have a username and account until you create a profile using your email address. Once created, you will be able to fill in your account information fields by importing your data directly from LinkedIn.
How can I get professional recommendations?
On our platform we offer you the possibility for our professionals to make a professional review about you. If you find an old colleague with whom you worked successfully and have fond memories, it could be a good idea to ask them for a recommendation.
To do so, you need to enter the ZTalent profile of the SAP professional you want to be assessed and request it from there. On the other hand, you can also be the one who writes recommendations of other SAP professionals.
Now you know what ZTalent can do for you
Ready to start your professional career?
Join ZTalentBut if you still have doubts, visit our page for professionals and see how easy it is to manage your career from a single platform.