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SAP updates: why and how to do them

15 December 2022

When thinking about implementing any SAP solution, companies generally only consider the implementation process itself. At the end of the implementation process, companies consider the process finished and don't believe that any further work needs to be done. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just as important as the implementation is the updating and maintenance of the company's SAP system. So, in this ZTalent blog post we will explain why SAP updates are necessary and how to succeed in the process.

Why do SAP updates need to be done?

An upgrade of the company's SAP solution can be a qualitative leap forward. There are several reasons why you should and need to upgrade. The first is that a new Enhancement Package (EHP, which stands for Enhancement Package) brings new functionalities that can be activated and used by SAP customers, who are already entitled to them because they have paid for them before. Support Package Stacks (SPS) include fixes for bugs found up to the date of the update. Thus, the customer avoids the occurrence of any of them and saves the possible costs associated with an incident and its correction. In addition, they also incorporate improvements and optimisations in the performance of SAP programs. Another reason why it's necessary to carry out SAP upgrades is that there may be incompatibilities between the versions used by the company in its projects or developments. Mandatory upgrades can lead to longer lead times and higher costs, so it's advisable to keep an eye on upgrades. Finally, the application of SAP Notes to resolve an incident usually involves the application of several others, which sometimes requires a similar effort to that of an upgrade.

How to carry out SAP updates

SAP updates are not only important, but also a task that needs to be performed regularly. The high costs and levels of effort involved require polished and appropriate methods. Automation and optimisation of the tools to be used should be the basic concepts of the chosen methodology. It should consider elements such as the use of SAP Solution Manager or SolMan, as well as a project roadmap in it to monitor progress and updates. Another recommendation in relation to SolMan is to use a fix management cycle, as fix management can be treated in the same way as incident management. In addition, SAP updates require reusable documentation. Process and test files need to be well recorded for upstream and downstream reference. It may even be possible to automate future upgrades based on these documents. Finally, having the right SAP expert at the right time saves costs and hassle, so don't skimp on the choice.

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